Friday, February 17, 2012

What a Slacker...!

Wow!!! I really am a slacker, I guess thats what happens when you're a Mum and working... Or just useless. SOOO Mason is now 2 and Gabby is a few months shy of 14 -oh, I mean 4! Gabby is at Kindy 3 afternoons a week at my old stomping ground ... Botany Downs Kindy! She absolutely LOVES it and is always creating the most fantastic things to bring home to me (of course all parents say this -as they should!) -Last week she created a "Deigo Rescue Pack" made out of a muesli bar box and string and LOADS of paint of course! This has barely left her side for 7 nights!!! Mace is a right little boy, he is always outside investigating things or destroying things, it really is a fine line some days. He has a passion for helping people and always wants to help with vacuuming, and helping out in the kitchen. He has picked up one of his big sisters little loves and that is painted toe nails (much to Pete's annoyance!) but we have managed to steer clear of the fluro pink over the past few months and have regular discussions on "painted toes nails being for girls." I am lucky enough to be job-sharing again this year, with a fantastic teacher named, Sarah Blong. We are teaching in a year 3 class (7 year old.) I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Sarah on Thursdays and Fridays. The kids in our class are absolutely fantastic... They are so caring and kind and just great to work with! We are both looking forward to the learning we are going to achieve this year! Anyway, hopefully I start to do more regular updates... But don't hold your breath ;o) .x.x.x. P.S. I am going to set up a class blog soon too, so stay tuned for that if you're interested...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009